Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy

(effective date: January 1, 2021)

Our registered users (“members”) will enter information about themselves, their careers, and other content viewable on the website. Non-registered users (“visitors”) will have limited access to content on the website, and are prohibited from copying, duplicating, or reusing any of this content. Our privacy policy applies to all members and visitors to the website.

Policy Changes

Changes to the Privacy Policy apply to your use of our Services after the stated “effective date.” By using our services after the effective date of the Privacy Policy, members and visitors acknowledge acceptance of the Privacy Policy.

Everything Blue Collar (“we”, “us”, “website” ) can modify this Privacy Policy at any time. All members will be notified by email of Privacy Policy changes for their review. The email address within the member’s profile will be recipient of this and other notifications. If a member does not wish to comply with the updated policy, they should close their account to avoid cancellation by us for policy violations. Continued use of our services demonstrates acceptance of policy updates.

An announcement may be displayed on the website home page regarding any policy change, along with a link to the policy page. The notification will cease to display after the user has clicked on the link to read the updated policy.


This Privacy Policy, including our Cookie Policy, applies to all uses of our services, including new services added after members have created their account. Use of any third-party services are subject to the policies and terms of service as defined by the third-party.

Data handling

Registration – User Account

During the Sign up (“Registration”) process, a visitor provides data to become a member, which creates a User Account (“account” with us. The information gathered includes your email address, username, and password. Special offerings of services may be available, requiring a “promo code” to be entered by the user. The “promo code” will be saved for the user, but is not visible or accessible by the user after the value has been entered, unless deemed necessary to be shared by us.


A member profile contains optional data entered by the member. Maintaining a complete profile with current data will assist in getting the most benefit from the website. Data within your profile will be used in job searches, content notifications, alerts to communities that share your interests, and other services provided on the website.

Sensitive data

Sensitive data is information that is personal and optional on the website. Examples of sensitive data are; race, ethnicity, religious beliefs, political views, physical or mental health, sexual orientation, criminal record, or trade union membership.

We do not require members to include sensitive data, however, results of services may be not be as full or complete. Profile data is visible to members that view your profile. Member profiles are not visible to visitors (unregistered website users).

Uploaded data

Uploaded data, such as your profile image, will be visible to other members. Documents, such as resumes, may be uploaded to the website, but only accessible by the member when they choose to share the document(s) with other members. New content may allow a background image to be uploaded as a background behind the content’s title.

Posting content

A member may create a post on the site for the entire website membership or within one or more communities in which they are a member. Members that view a post may select to “like” the post, “dislike” the post, “follow” the posting, add a comment, or response to a comment. When a new topic, article, or blog is created, a header image may be uploaded to display at the top of the content.

Inappropriate content

The posting, uploading, or submission of inappropriate content will not be tolerated, and will lead to the removal of the content as well as cancellation of the member’s account. Examples of inappropriate, but not limited to this list, are:

  • Content promoting hate based on race, religion, disability, sexual preference, etc.

  • Content promoting violence or terrorist activity.

  • Sexually explicit content.

  • Real or simulated violence.

  • Content advocating unsafe behavior, such as self-harm, eating disorders, or suicide.

Account closure

All members of the website are free to inactivate or close their account. If you choose to close your account, all personal and profile data will be retained as required by law. Your profile information will no longer be visible to other members, and any content retained may be visible to other members as determined by us. Any reference to your profile will be replaced with a reference to “unknown user”.

We reserve the right to close an account due to violations of this policy, the Terms of Use policy, or other violations of usage of our services. The member will be notified by email and will be provided with an explanation as to why their account has been closed by us.

Third-party services

There may be third-party services accessed by the website. Any data collected during the use of these services will be treated like sensitive data and maintained by us for the sole benefit of the member. This data may provide additional information used in services to assist in providing optimal results of the services.

Services usage

We track your visits to the website and the use of our services, including any usage through a mobile app or computer web browser. We may identify services you have not used and alert you to these services so you may get the most benefits from the website.


The use of “cookies” contributes information regarding the usage of services. Additional information can be found in the Cookie policy.


Email messages and notifications may be used to communicate information with website members. The use of email allows us to send specific messages to a member that do not apply to other members. One example would be an email with a link to reset your password.

Some messages and notifications apply to groups of members (such as a message within a community), while other messages are directed to the entire membership of the website.  Email messages will be sent to the appropriate members as determined by the nature of the message.

In some instances, the notification will be contained within the website. These messages will be presented in a box on the member’s home page. Online notification may be closed by the member at their choosing. Closing the notification box acknowledges acceptance of the message. A pop-up message may be displayed to inform the member if an action, such as confirmation of reading the message, is required. An option to “Read later” may be provided, in which case the notification box will continue to be displayed until confirmation of reading the message has been acknowledged.

Notification preferences can be assigned and changed by a member at any time with the exception of service messages. A service message is used by us to communicate information specific to the usage of the website.


We reserve the right to promote our services to all members. Our marketing efforts will also be used to promote the website to non-members in order to grow the communities and member employment opportunities. Marketing content may include screenshots of content that might also include minimal member information.

Customer support

Our customer support team is reachable by email at We will use data captured during website usage to investigate and resolve any services issues brought to our attention. Members or visitors will be notified by the email provided in the support submission page.


We may need to share your data when required by law, subpoena, or other legal process or if we have a good faith belief that disclosure is reasonably necessary to (1) investigate, prevent, or take action regarding suspected or actual illegal activities or to assist government enforcement agencies; (2) enforce our agreements with you; (3) investigate and defend ourselves against any third-party claims or allegations; (4) protect the security or integrity of our services (such as by sharing with companies facing similar threats); or (5) exercise or protect the rights and safety of Everything Blue Collar, our members, personnel, or others. We attempt to notify members about legal demands for their personal data when appropriate in our judgment, unless prohibited by law or court order or when the request is an emergency. We may dispute such demands when we believe, in our discretion, that the requests are overbroad, vague, or lack proper authority, but we do not promise to challenge every demand.